1. 额外的唾液可以洗掉牙齿上的细菌,有助于分解口腔牙菌斑,预防龋齿。
2. 一个认真的法式吻可以锻炼面部所有的肌肉,让你看起来更年轻、更快乐。
3. 接吻甚至可能有助于减肥,在一个非常热情的吻中,每分钟能燃烧两卡路里。
4. 有专家认为接吻会增强免疫系统——和另一个人交换菌群,可以刺激产生新的抗体,从而增加自己的内部防御系统。
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[2] Busby, D., Veronica R Hanna-Walker and Chelom E. Leavitt. A kiss is not just a kiss: kissing frequency, sexual quality, attachment, and sexual and relationship satisfaction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy (2020): 1-17.
[3] Karim, A.K.M.R., Proulx, M.J., de Sousa, A.A. et al. The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing. Sci Rep 7, 5398 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-04942-9
[4] http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150714-why-do-we-kiss
[5] https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/features/kissing-benefits